Tuesday 8 October 2019

Looking for love in all the wrong places.......(Part 17)

Tuesday 8th October 2019

It's certainly been a while since the last one of these, so I thought it was time to write another one. Its not that there hasn't been a shortage of material to write about, its more that life got in the way and I simply haven't had the time to write it all down. 

I guess, I should update you all on the Lara situation. As it was the last once I wrote all the back in January. Well, things were going well for a while, when I say a while, I mean about a month, then everything just sort of vanished. Lara went missing and for all intensive purposes, fell off the face of the earth. She eventually contact me to say that she had been in hospital and had no way of contacting me. After a while, the distance between had became to great and I couldn't sustain any sort of relationship with her because I needed human contact. With Lara being in another country and with me never having a chance to visit her, I decided to call it quits. Thankfully, Lara was very understanding and we still remain friends because I think she was feeling the same. 

By the time I had finally called it quits with her, another drama had taken up all of my time and effort and to be honest, I couldn't think of anyone else at the time and focused on getting through one of the biggest challenges in my life. That will be the subject of another blog at another time when I workout how to tell that story and avoid the legalities involved. 

After I came out the other side of that drama and was able to breath again, I decided to dive back into the murky world of Internet dating. What an eye opener that is. Internet dating wasn't a thing before i was married, heck, the Internet was barely a thing when I got married. Needless to say, I made a profile and sat back after going through all the hopefuls and waited and waited. Before long I had a regular procession of strange requests from people offering me all kinds of things. Now, I don't consider myself a prude by any stretch of the imagination, but some of these people were making me blush with embarrassment. A friend recently asked me what it was like with Internet dating. The only way I could describe it is, you need to pull out a lot of weeds before you find a flower hidden in the garden. To which her reply was, "But I don't like gardening". Fair call, I thought. 

I was getting requests from people wanting to hook up for a regular hook up arrangement which is not me at all. I had people wanting me to join in with their partners, again not me, swipe left on that. Then I got the scammers. These disgusting people that have nothing better to do with their lives than pray on vulnerable people like myself and feed you an amazing story and luckily, I had enough red flags and alarm bells going off that I realised what was going on. One particular girl, lets call her Esther (That is her real name so be very aware) claimed that she lived in an apartment in St.Kilda and was working under contract as a petroleum engineer. At the time, I had no idea what a petroleum engineer even did (I actually still don't) so I thought that was pretty cool. She was working in Norway and would be home at the end of October. We continued chatting and more and more things were making me suspicious but at the same time I thought, that's plausible. The fact that Norway has one of the most advanced Internet coverage in the world and she couldn't make a video call was kind of plausible. I just thought she was on some platform in the middle of the ocean looking for cheap fuel to put in my car. The fact that she began saying she loved me and wanted to be with me for the rest of her life after a few days was plausible, because lets face it, I'm a catch........lol. The fact that she was telling me that she was getting five million dollars for the contract that she was working on and wanted to share it with me and invest in property and asked me to looking for multi-million dollar properties to invest in was plausible because i have no idea what a Petroleum engineer makes. 

The thing that did start making me wonder was one weekend she asked me if I like concerts. I told her that I did and the last one I had been to was Ed Sheeran with my friend Shelby. She immediately told me that she had met Ed when she was buying a property in the U.S. I was like, that's so cool, did you get any pics with him, she went silent for a moment and then told me that she had taken a Selie with him but it was on her old phone and that she had lost it along with Ed's number. OK, that part is plausible I guess, she wouldn't be the first to lose a mobile phone, probably won't be the last also. Then she said this, "When Ed was last over here, he came and stayed at my house with his crew". She just had to push the envelope just that little bit further. From that point on, everything just started to unravel for her. I asked if I could call her one day and she agreed to it but said that she was very shy on the phone. She told me at some point during our conversation about her American/Canadian background and I asked her if she had an accent and she told me that she had been living in Australia and had lost it over the years. Imagine my surprise when she did call she had a distinctive African accent. 

From there, the lies just kept coming. at one point she told me that she was heading to China to buy some items for her company, after the purchasing was done, she was going to have a week off and fly to Australia to see me. I was like, lets see how this pans out. Sure enough, she told me that she was in China and that she was very tired from the flight. By the second day she was telling me that she was very stressed out because the prices she was quoted for had changed and she didn't have enough money to cover the cost of what she needed (You can see where this is going already right?). I replied, why don't you just ask the company to transfer more money. After a while she told me that wasn't an option and that she would have to use her credit card and they would reimburse her when she returned. The next day she continued telling me how stressful it was and that she had a friend in the industry that agreed to give her $5000 to cover the costs. Mysteriously, that fell through and the inevitable happened. She asked me to send her $5000.......hahahahahaha. She seriously was asking the wrong girl. I replied I have nowhere near that sort of money, so she told me to send her what I had. I told her that I had enough for petrol (Notice the irony her being a petroleum engineer and all) for my car and nothing else after paying my rent and other bills and buying groceries. Then she came back with when do you get paid next. If you can send me the money for a plane flight, I can come and see you and be with you. 

It was at this point I finally said, "You can stop now, that's never going to happen but nice try. I'm done." She quickly replied, what do you mean, do you think I'm making this up. I just want to be with you. I just replied stop. 

So that was the demise of Esther and for a while there I was disheartened that all I could attracted were weirdos and scammers. I did have one successful date at least, until that fell apart three days later so back I went again to the dating sights. 

Eventually I found someone who fitted everything that I had been searching for. Someone kind, considerate and has a good heart. I'm not going to mention her by name just yet, because A. I don't want to embarrass her and B. I know that most of my friends will go looking for her and stalk her page to see what she's all about. She will read this and know who she is. At this point, that's all that matters to me because its still only early days yet and I don't wont to ruin what we already have established. Yes, I'm taking a very mature approach this time because I honestly believe that this could be something amazing and I don't wont to lose it now. We had our first date this past weekend and we connected in a way that I haven't with somebody for a very long time. This weekend coming, we are having our second date and I already know it's going to be amazing with what I have planned for us both.

This part of the blog is for you babe because I know you will be reading it as you are reading all my other blogs. Thank you so much for coming into my life and shinning your light on what has been at  times a very dark place. You have given me so much in these last couple of weeks and I look forward to what the future holds for us both moving forward. At the very least, I know I have a friend for life in you if not more. So, from the bottom of my crazy heart, thank you for bringing joy to my life once more. 

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